Regular flights

MAF currently flies to the town of Jeremie on Tuesday Morning at 8:00am and on Thursday at 12:00pm. Payment for these reservations must be paid at the time that the reservation is made. Unpaid reservations will be held for a period of one week to allow time to process payment.  After one week MAF reserves the right to give unpaid reservation to another customer and is not responsible for recontacting the original customer.

Each seat reservation is allowed 50lbs of total cargo including personal items and “Carry-on” items. Any extra weight will be charged $.50/lb. and only permitted if space allows. If necessary a second seat can be reserved to insure that there is room for extra bags. A seat reserved for cargo will be allowed 200lbs for the same price as one seat.

Standby Seats

MAF sells seats on flights that have already been scheduled when space permits. This usually consists of using the positioning leg of a flight to transport passengers. All such seats are sold on a standby basis. This means that these reservations are subject to change based on the schedule of charter flights. If a charter flight cancels or is delayed MAF does not guarantee that the flight will take place for the standby price. When possible the Standby passenger will be given the choice of doing the flight at the charter rate.