Due to the current security situation in Haiti, our flight service is on pause until at least January 1, 2025.  For more information click on the news button.

Click Here to read a July 2024, statement from the Haiti Country Director

Mission Aviation Fellowship has had a program in Haiti since 1986 with the goal of furthering God's Kingdom by supporting the missions and development community with safe and reliable air transportation. MAF Haiti flies four planes in Haiti and services 15 airstrips around Haiti. The MAF team is made up of five missionary families and 14 staff members. MAF routinely responds to medical evacuation needs as well as flying charters for work teams. Please contact us if there is anything that we can assist you or your organization with. We look forward to flying with you in the future.

MAF’s Vision: To see isolated people changed by the love of Christ.

MAF’s Mission: Serving together to bring help, hope and healing through aviation.