Due to our decreased flight requests during the COVID-19 pandemic, we have insufficient demand to continue the regularly scheduled weekly flights to and from Jeremie. You may still charter a flight to Jeremie through our regular scheduling process, but we will not be selling individual seats until further notice.
MAF offers regular service from Port-au-Prince to Jeremie on Tuesdays and Thursdays every week*. These flights are usually done in our 9 passenger Cessna Caravan. Each seat is allowed 50lbs of cargo at no extra charge. Please see pricing and scheduling details below.
All Seats to or from Jeremie are $150 per seat (one way). Excess cargo .50¢ per pound.
Please check in for this flight 1 hour before the departure time. Any passenger not checked in 15 minutes before departure time will forfeit their seat.

Depart PAP at 8:00 am
Arrive JER at 8:45 am
Depart JER at 9:00 am
Arrive PAP at 9:50 am
(times may vary due to weather and aircraft type used)
Depart PAP at 12:00 pm
Arrive JER at 12:45 pm
Depart JER at 1:00 pm
Arrive PAP at 1:50 pm
(times may vary due to weather and aircraft type used)